
Showing posts from May, 2018

what i learned

I learned that Octopuses have three hearts and I wonder what would happen if one heart stops functioning.


Yes, I am ready for my finals, and I think i am prepared. I also can't wait for summer vacation to start a new journey.

black holes

Some facts about black holes are that light can not escape from a black hole, and the closer you are to a black hole, slower times runs.

mobile phones

Some facts about our phone is that our phones have more bacteria than the toilet handles. lastly phone's radation can cause headaches, and confusion.


An adult Siberian tiger can weigh up to 660 pounds.

cool fact

If the sun would to explode we would not know until 8 minutes have passed.

Gabriel's presentation

Gabriel's topic was on magic and thought us where magic started. He also told us why we should try doing magic, and also showed the class magic class.

bear strength

Grizzly bear's bite is so strong that he could crush a bowling ball.

something i learned

I learned that if you keep a goldfish in a dark room it will turn pale.

Something i learned

I learned that birds don't urinate.


Today I am happy, beacuse i finally presented my masterpiece. Now that I'm done I have plenty of time to prepare myself for upcoming finlas. Teaching the class was a new experience and I enjoyed it.

My day

I was waiting to get picked by my dad. I saw a man about 5 meters away and saw him waving towards me. I looked back to make sure he was waving at someone  else. No one was behind me so I looked back and smiled at him. Out of a sudden he walked towards me and I thought he was going to the something when out of a sudden he said, "nice to meet you." Then he shook my  hand and went back to his spot.

My day

I was walking home and I realised that we only have 15 more days of school. Made me think it's time to not fool around, and to use the skill we learned in English class; manage your time wisely and schedule myslef. Using this skill will hopefully keep me on track, and be able to finish my assignments, and study for my finals.

My day

Today I went to go play soccer, and on my way back a car slowed down and a man looked at me and started to do some hand signs, or fingerspelling . The car was moving foward and the man was still doing hand signs or fingerspelling. I couldn't tell what the man was doing, or what he was trying to mean so I think i will try to learn fingerspelling.


I learned someone who is young hears 20 to 20,000Hz and when you grow olderypu hear less.

Something I learned

I learned today that only about 5% of the ocean has been explored, and 95% has not been explored!!!

My goal

My goal for the last couple of days left of school is to post every single day.


How did the book inspire/create thoughts/feelings      After reading the novel "Fahrenheit 451" I got inspired, because "Fahrenheit 451" made me realize how important books are, and how we don't take advantage of  all the books we have, and books are  free to read.  Throughout the chapters of "Fahrenheit 451" a lot of thoughts came to me for example, why Montag began to read books even knowing the consequences of his home being burned down and him. Lastly "Fahrenheit 451" made me feel good, because Montag overcame his obstacles and did what he thought was good for himself and was happy where he ended up at.      Through out my three years of high school I never payed much attention to books. My English teachers would give us an essay to do on a book I would just do the work and never pay much attention the book due to our teachers not explaining the meaning of phrases. Now this year I was fortunate to have an English teacher named...

My day

So today i was on my phone going through my email when i saw a message Happy Birthday from Nike, and made me think how much of our information is on thr internet.

Fahrenheit 451

Stopped reading where Montag goes back to the garden to get 4 books that were hidden.


Why doesn't your math teacher let you keep your math test?